Create Click-to-Call Phone Numbers: HTML & JavaScript

Want to make it easy for customers to call your business? Learn how to set up click-to-call phone numbers on your website in this comprehensive guide.

Chance M

Click-to-call phone numbers are a feature that allows users to initiate a phone call by clicking on a phone number displayed on a website. This feature is becoming increasingly popular as more and more users access websites on their mobile devices. By making it easy for users to initiate a call, businesses can improve their engagement with customers and increase the likelihood of conversions.

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of setting up click-to-call phone numbers on your website, as well as provide best practices for using them effectively.

Setting up click-to-call phone numbers

Setting up click-to-call phone numbers on your website is a relatively simple process that can be done using HTML and JavaScript.

Using the “tel:” protocol in HTML anchor tags

The most basic way to set up a click-to-call phone number is to use the “tel:” protocol in an HTML anchor tag. This creates a clickable link with the phone number, which when clicked, will initiate a call to that number on the user’s device. Here is an example of the code:

<a href="tel:555-555-5555">555-555-5555</a>

This creates a clickable link with the text “555-555-5555” that when clicked, will initiate a call to the number 555-555-5555. You can also use a specific text to be displayed as the clickable link instead of the phone number itself as follows:

<a href="tel:555-555-5555">Call Us</a>

This creates a clickable link with the text “Call Us” that when clicked, will initiate a call to the number 555-555-5555.

Creating a JavaScript function for click-to-call phone numbers

Another way to set up click-to-call phone numbers on your website is to use a JavaScript function. This can be useful if you want to add additional functionality, such as tracking or integration with a CRM system. Here is an example of a basic JavaScript function that can be used to initiate a call:

 function callNumber(number) {
   window.location.href = "tel:" + number;

And in the HTML

<button onclick="callNumber('555-555-5555')">Call 555-555-5555</button>

This function takes in a phone number as a parameter and uses the “tel:” protocol to initiate a call when the button is clicked.

Testing click-to-call phone numbers on different devices and browsers

Once you have the click-to-call phone numbers set up, it’s important to test them on different devices and browsers to ensure that they are working correctly. It’s worth noting that while the above examples will work in most modern web browsers, not all browsers support the “tel:” protocol. Additionally, some users may have their phone configured to open in a web-based interface instead of a desktop application, in which case clicking the link may not have the desired effect.

It is also important to test the click-to-call phone numbers on different devices, particularly mobile devices, as some older devices may not support the feature.

Best practices for click-to-call phone numbers

There are several best practices that should be followed when implementing click-to-call phone numbers on a website.

  1. Placement of phone numbers: Phone numbers should be prominently displayed on the website, ideally in the header or footer. This makes it easy for users to find them and initiate a call.
  2. Using text and buttons to initiate the call: Using both text and buttons to initiate the call can help improve the user experience. This makes it clear to the user what will happen when they click on the phone number.
  3. Providing alternative methods of contact: Not all users will want to initiate a call, so it’s important to provide alternative methods of contact such as email or live chat.

Advanced features for click-to-call phone numbers

In addition to the basic functionality of click-to-call phone numbers, there are several advanced features that can be implemented to enhance the user experience and provide valuable data.

  1. Tracking and analyzing call data: By tracking and analyzing call data, businesses can gain valuable insights into the performance of their click-to-call phone numbers. This data can be used to improve the user experience and optimize conversions.
  2. Integrating with CRM and call center systems: Integrating click-to-call phone numbers with CRM and call center systems can help streamline the customer service process and improve the overall user experience.
  3. Using click-to-call phone numbers in email campaigns: Click-to-call phone numbers can also be used in email campaigns to make it easy for users to initiate a call directly from their email client.


Click-to-call phone numbers are a great way to improve engagement and conversions on a website. By making it easy for users to initiate a call, businesses can increase the likelihood of conversions and improve the customer service experience. This guide has provided a step-by-step process for setting up click-to-call phone numbers on your website, as well as best practices for using them effectively. Additionally, we have discussed some advanced features that can be implemented to further enhance the user experience and provide valuable data.

It is important to note that while click-to-call phone numbers can be a valuable tool, they should be used in conjunction with other methods of contact such as email and live chat to ensure that all users have a positive experience on your website.

Overall, implementing click-to-call phone numbers on your website can be a simple yet effective way to boost customer engagement and conversions. With the right implementation and usage, it can provide a seamless experience for the user and can be a great addition to your website.